Double, trzylatnie child may have a runny nose even several times a year, because his immune system is only emerging. What are the ways of hay, how to treat a runny nose in children.
A two to three year old might catch a cold even several times a year, and this is completely normal. The child, however, it is difficult to get used to a clogged nose, and even daily functioning is then a big problem. In addition, the infection can quickly follow, especially if the child has contact with other children, eg. In the nursery or kindergarten, because weakened body easily catches the infection. When a child has a cold should stop them for a few days at home and use ways to cold, which will help get rid of the retained secretions in the nose.
Qatar in children: study winded
Qatar in a child how to clear a stuffy nose? Children at this age do not already use aspirators - holes in the nose are already larger than the mechanical cleaning of the nasal surgery for many two year olds is unacceptable. From about 18 months of age should teach a child self blowing the nose. Ask your child to przyłożyło to nose with a handkerchief, przycisnęło finger one wing of the nose, and then scooped the air, closed his mouth and tried to blow with all his strength.
Repeat this then the second hole. It is important that the child has learned to blow secretions correctly, that first one buttonhole, and then the other. Blowing the two holes at the same time can make the mucus gets into the middle ear and Eustachian tube and cause ear infections.
Qatar in a child: hand hygiene
Frequent hand washing prevents the spread of infection, and therefore helps to quickly relieve runny nose. The most practical when you are cold liquid soap or special formulas for homemade hand sanitizer designed for children. Zakatarzone child should wash their hands more often than usual, and always after each blowing his nose.
Ways for hay in a child: inhalations
Inhaled wets nasal mucosa and reduces swelling, which facilitates passing out secretion. The formulation for inhalation can be applied to the child in two ways. The first inhaler (nebulizer). He has a mask that we put on the face and mouth of the child. The mask through a tube is connected to the tank, to pour the formulation for inhalation (seawater in ampoules or drug prescribed by a doctor). The product then is converted to steam which breathing child. Another way to catarrh is to prepare a solution for inhalation, eg. On the basis of boiling water flooded herbs (sage, thyme, chamomile) or a few drops of eucalyptus oil. This hot solution pour into the pot or thermos, then you need to plant a child on his lap so that he could breathe rising from the vessel couple. You just need to be careful that the child is not oparzyło.
Qatar in a child: preparations from the pharmacy to support the return to health
When a child has a cold, relief may also bring syrups to support the immune system. Their formula is based on ingredients rich in vitamin C, such as. Acerola fruit extract, as well as relieving ingredients during upper respiratory tract infections (eg. Extracts from elderberries or mullein). Before buying a must tell the pharmacist if the child is years because some of these preparations for hay are intended only for seven year olds and even older children.
Complications after Qatar
Neglected rhinitis in children can have serious consequences.
The most common complication of rhinitis in children is otitis media, which occurs when an infection of the nose penetration in the vicinity of the Eustachian tube.
Zakatarzone child may have a painful inflammation of the throat and lower respiratory tract infections, which are frequently associated with fever and may require antibiotic treatment. To prevent this from happening, you should give your child preparations to support the immune system and reduce sore throat.
Another complication after a rhinitis in children is inflammation of the sinuses - it concerns mainly two to three year olds and older children, as the bay in an infant is only partly developed. It is also a painful ailment, and one of its symptoms is the swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by high fever and crying baby.
Qatar in children can not be ignored. The most important is to remove secretions on a regular basis, because with it removes viruses or bacteria that caused the infection. If your child has a cold lasts longer than two or three days, from day to day it is stronger, with a clear change in zielonożółtawy, take your child to the doctor.
A two to three year old might catch a cold even several times a year, and this is completely normal. The child, however, it is difficult to get used to a clogged nose, and even daily functioning is then a big problem. In addition, the infection can quickly follow, especially if the child has contact with other children, eg. In the nursery or kindergarten, because weakened body easily catches the infection. When a child has a cold should stop them for a few days at home and use ways to cold, which will help get rid of the retained secretions in the nose.
Qatar in children: study winded
Qatar in a child how to clear a stuffy nose? Children at this age do not already use aspirators - holes in the nose are already larger than the mechanical cleaning of the nasal surgery for many two year olds is unacceptable. From about 18 months of age should teach a child self blowing the nose. Ask your child to przyłożyło to nose with a handkerchief, przycisnęło finger one wing of the nose, and then scooped the air, closed his mouth and tried to blow with all his strength.
Repeat this then the second hole. It is important that the child has learned to blow secretions correctly, that first one buttonhole, and then the other. Blowing the two holes at the same time can make the mucus gets into the middle ear and Eustachian tube and cause ear infections.
Qatar in a child: hand hygiene
Frequent hand washing prevents the spread of infection, and therefore helps to quickly relieve runny nose. The most practical when you are cold liquid soap or special formulas for homemade hand sanitizer designed for children. Zakatarzone child should wash their hands more often than usual, and always after each blowing his nose.
Ways for hay in a child: inhalations
Inhaled wets nasal mucosa and reduces swelling, which facilitates passing out secretion. The formulation for inhalation can be applied to the child in two ways. The first inhaler (nebulizer). He has a mask that we put on the face and mouth of the child. The mask through a tube is connected to the tank, to pour the formulation for inhalation (seawater in ampoules or drug prescribed by a doctor). The product then is converted to steam which breathing child. Another way to catarrh is to prepare a solution for inhalation, eg. On the basis of boiling water flooded herbs (sage, thyme, chamomile) or a few drops of eucalyptus oil. This hot solution pour into the pot or thermos, then you need to plant a child on his lap so that he could breathe rising from the vessel couple. You just need to be careful that the child is not oparzyło.
Qatar in a child: preparations from the pharmacy to support the return to health
When a child has a cold, relief may also bring syrups to support the immune system. Their formula is based on ingredients rich in vitamin C, such as. Acerola fruit extract, as well as relieving ingredients during upper respiratory tract infections (eg. Extracts from elderberries or mullein). Before buying a must tell the pharmacist if the child is years because some of these preparations for hay are intended only for seven year olds and even older children.
Complications after Qatar
Neglected rhinitis in children can have serious consequences.
The most common complication of rhinitis in children is otitis media, which occurs when an infection of the nose penetration in the vicinity of the Eustachian tube.
Zakatarzone child may have a painful inflammation of the throat and lower respiratory tract infections, which are frequently associated with fever and may require antibiotic treatment. To prevent this from happening, you should give your child preparations to support the immune system and reduce sore throat.
Another complication after a rhinitis in children is inflammation of the sinuses - it concerns mainly two to three year olds and older children, as the bay in an infant is only partly developed. It is also a painful ailment, and one of its symptoms is the swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by high fever and crying baby.
Qatar in children can not be ignored. The most important is to remove secretions on a regular basis, because with it removes viruses or bacteria that caused the infection. If your child has a cold lasts longer than two or three days, from day to day it is stronger, with a clear change in zielonożółtawy, take your child to the doctor.
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