To reverse the outflow of urine occurs when the bladder sphincter function correctly. These include flexible couplings, which are located just off the mouths of the ureters to the bladder. Normally, when a child feels that he wants to pee, the bladder is shrinking, and sphincter tighten and close the ureters. The urine then flows downwardly through the open urethra. In contrast, when a child suffers from reflux of urine, the bladder shrinks, urine escapes into the ureters, but instead leak out, partly coming back. When the spasm passes urine from the bladder flows back and there arrears. This may be the cause of frequent inflammation and serious infections of the urinary tract. The child let go in panties, or often wet at night.
Urine reflux causes
Reverse the outflow of urine is usually the result of a congenital abnormality in the functioning of the sphincter at the mouth of the ureter to the bladder. Sometimes, however, the reflux of urine develops example. The untreated inflammations and infections of the urinary tract, which hinder the complete emptying of the bladder.
Urinary Reflux primary or secondary?
When the reflux of urine caused a congenital abnormality construction sphincter, said about reflux original. If the urinary system is working poorly, eg. Due to urethral stricture, abnormal renal number (one or three) - reflux is defined as secondary. About 40 percent of cases OPM skilled belong to the secondary, which means that the affected children were in good time tested and treated. To recognize vesico-urinary, you need to perform a test called voiding cystourethrogram. Intravenous administered to the infant contrast agent, or contrast. The infant is put under X-ray camera. The child, lying on a table, you should urinate. During urination getting some X-rays of the bladder and urethra. The test can precisely determine not only the degree of the disease, but also to detect other malformations of the urinary tract, for example. Urethral stricture. The diagnosis of VUR is done yet complementary urodynamic study. By the probe entered the urethra into the bladder measures the force with which the bladder contracts and relaxes during urination.
Urinary Reflux Treatment
Depending on the severity of doctors use various forms of treatment of reflux of urine. In the early stage of development of VUR require medication urinary tract disinfectant. With more advanced disease, a radical procedure is sometimes necessary. The most popular and least painful for the child with reflux of urine is a procedure involving the ureteral ostia ostrzykiwaniu special drugs. Injections are performed under local anesthesia or light general anesthesia (ie. Idiot jaś). Unfortunately, with very advanced disease it is surgery necessary. Sometimes it takes even a half hours. It is carried out under general anesthesia. The doctor cuts the stomach and surgically strengthens the sphincter of the bladder. After this treatment the child must stay in hospital for at least a week.
Urinary reflux endoscopic treatment
For several years used in Poland in endoscopic treatment of urinary reflux. It involves the injection through the urethra into the bladder a special sealant. This removes the outflow of urine in the wrong direction. Until recently employed with us for that purpose preparations silicone or Teflon. It is not always well affect on the body. Recently, more often given to children more modern formulation (injection with Deflux), whose main ingredients are hyaluronic acid and dextranomer. These are natural substances that do not produce allergic reactions and body tolerates them well. Endoscopic method has many advantages: it is safe and leaves no scars and does not cause complications. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. In most cases, the hospital is limited to two days. The little boy does not suffer, and the recovery time is much faster. Until recently, all the parents, who wanted him in their children underwent repair the sphincter of the bladder latest method of using defluksu, they had to pay out of pocket more than 700 zł. Now in hospitals that have signed such agreements with the National Health Fund, treatment of this type can be made under health insurance.
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